***findmycigar came and went. As of 2024 the app is shutting down until we can find time to update the locations and UX. findmycigar will be back someday, but probably not until late in 2024. If you have been using findmycigar, thanks, and we apologize for the downtime.***
Get the most from your time
a simple and free app
Find & Explore
Open findmycigar wherever you are to see nearby locations where you can find or smoke cigars.
Browse what is nearby. Filter by special characteristics, like "smoking lounge". Visualize the proximity to your options on a map.
Click for directions, or add a location if you find something new. Enjoy your time!

We value privacy and as such we do not track any personal information. We ask you to verify your age, which you can do by signing in to an existing service or just entering your age, but we do not track your credentials. This is also why there are no "personalization" features or a Profile for you to edit- we do not track you.
We do gather anonymous usage information which we list here in total:
Device Location and platform (e.g.:Android 6, iPhone X) when the App launches
Device Location and Destination when selecting directions
Filters, Searches, and Locations selected
We gather this information to better understand the usage of the App so that we can improve it, and possibly to market services to sponsors- there are no sponsors today and there may never be any, but it is possible so we are declaring it here. :-)
findmycigar is provided as-is without any warranties of any kind. It is built and maintained largely on a volunteer basis and therefore may not always function as expected. You use it at your own risk.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
© 2019 by findmycigar. Proudly created with Wix.com